City of Wilmington County of New Castle

Join our club of respect and honor for older adults

La Paix, ce n'est pas un mot, c'est un comportement

— Félix Houphouët-Boigny

Mme Evelyne Bredou
President of club Age d'or

A propos du club AGE D’OR

Bienvenue sur la page web de L’Age d’Or, un groupe qui œuvre pour le respect et la promotion des aînés. Notre groupe a été créé pour sensibiliser la société aux droits des personnes âgées, aider à leur intégration et promouvoir leur dignité.
Nous pensons que chaque personne mérite le respect, quel que soit son âge. Rejoignez-nous dans cette mission et ensemble faire de notre monde un endroit plus juste et plus équitable pour tous.

Why are older people important?

Older people often have a wealth of experience and wisdom to share with the club, they have worked hard to build our society and deserve our respect and recognition for their contributions. However, older people can also face challenges, such as social isolation, poverty and discrimination. This is why it is important to support older people and provide them with opportunities to grow and participate actively in the life of the society.


club age d’or (+60 years old)

Our club regularly will organize meetings, events and projects to support seniors and promote their integration into the community. We organize friendly get-togethers to allow older people to meet and share experiences. We also organize cultural events and excursions to allow seniors to discover new things and stay active. We are also involved in awareness campaigns to promote the rights and dignity of older people.


Join le club "Age d'or"