Notre page de plan vous offre une opportunité unique de contribuer à la promotion de la paix dans le monde. Choisissez parmi nos différentes offres d’adhésion et devenez un acteur du changement. Chaque adhésion soutient nos initiatives, des webinaires éducatifs aux missions sur le terrain. Ensemble, nous pouvons créer un avenir plus harmonieux et pacifique pour tous.
Lifetime Membership
Friend of Peace
As a Friend of Peace, you modestly contribute to our mission of promoting peace in the world. Your membership allows us to disseminate information, organize webinars and increase awareness of global issues. Every dollar counts, and your support brings us one step closer to our common goal: a more peaceful world.
Lifetime Membership
Partner of Peace
As a Partner for Peace, you play an essential role in our work. Your membership allows us to fund in-person events, research projects and on-the-ground initiatives. You also benefit from exclusive benefits, such as discounts on our products and invitations to inspiring conferences.
Adhésion à vie
Benefactor of Peace
As a Benefactor of Peace, you are a pillar of our organization. Your generosity allows us to carry out concrete actions for peace, such as humanitarian missions and awareness programs. You will be publicly recognized for your commitment and receive regular updates on the impact of your contribution.
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